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The Twin Lakes Volunteer Fire Department was organized March 4, 1929 by approximately twenty men. 

Charter members were Virgil Richter, Jack Evans, Fred Rieman, Joe Beyers, Hans Dietrich, Earl Ward, William Voss, John Richter, Herbert Koenig, Paul Brown, Frank Jahns, Arnold Buschman, Gail Platss, James Carey, Harvey Richter, George Roepke, Roy Winters, Max Schoor, William Staudenmeyer, George Staudemeyer, and Andrew Stohr.

Virgil Richter was elected the first chief and meetings were in the basements of various homes. A 1928 Pirsch built Chevrolet pumper with a 500 gallon pump was purchased new by the township for $2,800. In December, 1929 Arnold Buschman was elected chief. In 1930 a used 1928 Model A Ford was purchased. The firemen installed a water tank on the back. Primary use was to bucket water from the Model A and dump it into the 1928 Pirsch pumper. These vehicles and other miscellaneous equipment were kept in Richter's Garage.


In September, 1941 Virgil Richter's Garage was destroyed by fire. Fortunately, Richter with his wife's assistance was able to pull the 1928 Pirsch fire truck from the flaming building and it was used to fight the fire. However, the 1928 Model A Ford truck was destroyed in the fire. In December of that year the fire department was incorporated under Section 213 of the Wisconsin Satatutes. Meetings were held the second Tuesday of each month and still are today.

In 1942 the members decided to have a building of their own. Land was donated by L.R. Winters and a 28 foot by 60 foot brick building was built which housed four pieces of equipment. In 1943 Gilbert Amborn was elected chief. Gil was chief for 34 years. Additional fire trucks were purchased throughout the years.

Some members of the Twin Lakes Vol. Fire Department saw a need for emergency medical service in their area. The Twin Lakes Rescue Squad was formed in 1949, the first such organization in western Kenosha County. Earl VanHorne was the first chief (captain) of the Rescue Squad.

Here is a short timeline of events:

  • 1972 - 31 foot by 86 foot addition was constructed

  • 1976 - Department added a women's auxillary

  • 1977 - Art Koehn elected fire chief

  • 1977 - November 17th Department First Blood Drive

  • 1980 - Donald Amborn elected fire chief

  • 1982 - New gable roof was built to replace the flat roofs

  • 1982 - April 7th First Annual Awards Banquet held

  • 1989 - 60th Anniversary Fish Fry held

  • 1990 - Storage area converted into meeting room, conference room and chief's office

  • 1993 - Wayne Trongeau elected fire chief

  • 2003 - Bruce Haase elected fire chief

  • 2009 - Stan Clause Jr. elected fire chief


Landmark fires to be remembered were:

Twin Lakes Garage, September 1941 ; Hess & Vite Tavern & Hotel (Sportsman Lodge), March 1959; A.H. Lois Feed Store, May 1961; Commodore Barry Hotel, February 1962; Bovee Barn, February 1963; Ackerman Hotel, October 1965.

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